“The Dog Days”

“The Dog Days”

By Derek Felix AKA DFlex

You look up to the orange sky

As night approaches

To cool your summer high

The dog days have arrived

Things are starting to change

You notice it around sunset

As the sun fades just after eight

A golden full moon appears suddenly

Bringing with it your fate

These are the times that define us

As the clock hits nine, darkness replaces the light

An eerie quiet can be felt all around

You can hear the creatures outside

As you walk under the moonlight

There’s a calm to this place

That makes it easy to relax

Ease into your thoughts

What’s been on your mind for a while

The long days of July are gone

Replaced by the uniqueness of August ahead

Along with it arrives a new dawn

There’s still light at the end of the tunnel

Keep making the most of these days

Enjoy it and smile

“She Is Everything”

“She Is Everything”

By Derek Felix AKA DFlex

I see you once again

Standing there all pretty and cute

You’re busy doing things

I can’t help but notice your fancy hair

You changed it up a bit

It suits you like the clothes you wear

You have a charm that’s rare

That’s what draws me in

You shine when you light up

It can make time stand still

I’d rather be frozen there

That way, I can finally tell you

You are worth its weight in gold

A glowing person with unique taste

Who deserves to have it all

I wish I could have chills with you somewhere

You’re a good dream on a memorable night

You’d look beautiful under snowflakes

A shining star under the moonlight

There’s so much I want to say

I could tell you how things are

Please don’t change your special way

I truly believe you’ll go far

You’d probably wonder how I’d know

I’m a good reader of cool people

You have it in spades

It’s all there to be had

I admire how you handle yourself

You’re not like most other girls

You have a way about you that’s positive

When I was struggling, your kind words helped

Having enthusiasm is a great quality

It shows your true character

You’re an awesome person from what I see

I hope I can say more and tell you the truth

“Somewhere Over Another Universe”

“Somewhere Over Another Universe”

by Derek Felix

There you stood in that space all by yourself

A true beauty always in good health

Someone special that stood out in every way

Just one smile was enough to make my day

I never stood a chance in your starry eyed world

It was one so complex like my long hair swirled

Blown around by the howling wind that screamed

Like a warning of the colder air I once dreamed

In it, all I could see were the lovely images of you

So fascinating in every way possible and so true

But there was something hidden deep inside

You kept it a secret as if there was something to hide

It was just part of who you are in this quiet place

One which can seem so lonely like my cold face

There are days I wonder why we never clicked

Despite camaraderie and feelings, I drove home ticked

It wasn’t at you, but only the confusion of everything

You were two different people in another direction flying

That kept me guessing and left me with anxiety

Would I ever solve your riddle and exist in society

Or was I destined to be stuck forever in a dark hole

Full of melancholy and madness because I didn’t know

It’s amazing how you could create such deep thought

A unique power to hold over someone who’s fought

I’ve battled myself for days over who you really are

Staring silently and lost as a single magnetic star

You could make it all fade away into a lovely night

Ending my misery over a drink and dance under the moonlight

Somewhere over another universe

The answers are all there

Somewhere over another universe

You truly do care

Somewhere over another universe

There’s a time and a place

Somewhere over another universe

I can see your precious face

Somewhere over another universe

We found one another

Somewhere over another universe

We love each other

Somewhere over another universe

There’s only sunshine and warm weather

Somewhere over another universe

We’re finally together