The beauty of uniqueness

I often talk about authenticity. These days, that’s a special quality. If you’re lucky enough to be friendly with such people, they’re shining stars for life.

They’re the unique ones we can count on. No matter how down things are, they’re there for you in good and in bad. Keep your Inner Circle tight. It consists of your family and friends who remain loyal.

Sometimes, when I’m struggling with anxiety, I turn to music to help improve my mood. It all depends what I feel like. If it’s a tough day which Sunday was, I’ll opt for Nine Inch Nails. The genius of Trent Reznor always shines through.

I feel many of us can relate to his powerful songs that hold up well. I don’t just mean for addicts who battle unthinkable demons and must overcome the odds to survive. As someone who has my own battles, the lyrics apply.

The great thing is not every song has words. That’s what makes Reznor different from most artists. His creativity and ability to see things from a different perspective make it interesting to understand where he’s coming from.

Take “Leaving Hope.” It is an instrumental that builds over the 5:57. There isn’t a hopeless feeling like I’ve heard in so many other tracks. It gives off a different vibe. Something positive for us to take out of it.

It’s the final song off the 2002 The Fragile album. There’s a hidden message in it that I can genuinely feel. One that feels better. Kind of like watching the planes come into Newark Airport from our Staten Island home on the South Shore. It looks so peaceful on a cool Spring night in April.

Especially with a later sunset giving way to a unique mix of dark gray and lighter white clouds. And all you can see are those planes coming in carrying passengers back from their travels to arrive home on Sunday night before a new work week.

There’s something about it that I like. “Leaving Hope” reminds me of such a peaceful sight of full flights returning safely with their lights flashing through to land.

Maybe that’s the beauty of uniqueness I feel. The combination of an artistic sky lit up and a good song that relaxes me. It helps to remove the stigma away.

There’s so much beauty in the world. To use a quote from American Beauty. In those moments, we can fully appreciate why the peace and quiet of the night can be a good reminder.

Exactly the same feeling I get when listening to a NIN song from Trent. Someone who sees things differently. That’s something we need more of.