

By Derek Felix AKA DFlex

The night drifted slowly
As raindrops began to fall
Cooling things off
Creating a sudden change tomorrow

The temperature dropped like the heavens
Making it windy and more chilly
Going from t-shirt and jeans to dress shirt and jacket
As we journeyed through the day

So much had changed
In so little time, it felt like a parallel universe
Into another dimension
That was stunning to see much like a mystery

The suspense picked up
As if it was a different place
That looked more like a ghost town
With only the humming wind crying as sound

“City Lights”

“City Lights”

By Derek Felix AKA DFlex

It hits differently at night

Leaving for a pretty sight

A neon color overlooks things

As evening birds spread their wings

The sunset magnifies the sky

On a cool spring night, so fly

A funky dark orange mixes with blue

To wow our minds to something new

City lights

Flash above

Shine a spotlight

On this place

Its florescent colors

Leave us speechless

Full of wonder

As it shines bright

“A Rose”

“A Rose”

By Derek Felix AKA DFlex

The bloom of a rose

Has a sweet smell

Its aroma is


Its color

Leaves a lasting impression

Kind of like a cutie

Who looks your way

One cool day

It reminds us

Of all that’s good

Its beauty

Putting us in a good mood

The same way

That girl smiled at you

Giving off a warm feeling

That today’s a brighter day



By Derek Felix AKA DFlex

Heaven stands above

Towering over the sky

As the evening moves by

It surrounds us all around

We can see it daily

If you take the time

To breathe in the air

There’s always a sign

Just take a moment to reflect

View the world differently

Gain a whole new perspective

That’ll never be deceptive

Things aren’t always what they seem

If you look real quick, you’ll catch a glimpse

Its shine never fades away

Giving us peace of mind in a newfound way

“A Good Day”

“A Good Day”

By Derek Felix AKA DFlex

Time stands still

For no one

Sometimes even killing our will

Leaving you feeling done

We must do our best to overcome

The loneliness that exists

When you kinda wish you could fire a gun

As you clench your fists

It isn’t easy when you battle yourself

Half the time, you’re losing control

Crying out for help due to your mental health

The inner demons take its toll

You’re constantly searching for something to hold onto

When someone magnifying grabs your attention

It makes you realize the truth about so much you knew

A sweet angel can take you into another dimension beyond comprehension

Maybe your life is worth living for

If you could just be with her for one moment alone

She has that appeal you’ve been hoping for

The door opens to a better time when you were never on your phone

Just straight chilling with friends with no care in the world

You were free in that time of fun

Going wild by living it up like you always wanted to

They were never-ending days of hanging outside in the sun

Maybe this new girl could help you recapture your faith

She’s a vision of beauty, class, and style

Whose mesmerizing eyes makes you ponder a true escape

Her pleasant demeanor is a reminder, as is her pretty smile

All you have to do is tell her how you feel

And for one moment, she’ll be yours

It’s like that day on the beach you didn’t close the deal

Except it’s a second chance to open the doors

Don’t miss your second chance to make things right

Be in the moment and live for today

Make her laugh and cry tears of joy for a night

All because you’ve finally had a good day

“April Fools”

“April Fools”

By Derek Felix AKA DFlex

The sun fades away

Into a patch of gray

It’s not looking promising today

Even on April Fool’s Day

You can smell it in the air

Spring all around as the light disappears

If only it could’ve stayed here

Instead, it vanished to somewhere

Suddenly, thunder can be heard

Followed by lightning chasing the birds

They’ve been gone, replaced by pouring rain

Which cancels the Yankees game

As puddles flow down the drain

Creating waves all over the brain

April Fools

Comes once a year

Leaving behind stormy weather

Without any cheer

We long to see better days

The sun shall return

Followed by a purple haze

Full of rainbows

I’ll see you soon

As we move forward

It’ll be shining again

Full of love and happiness