“Leaving Hope”

The following is inspired by a more upbeat Nine Inch Nails song, “Leaving Hope.” A unique instrumental of mesmerizing sounds thanks to the innovative mind of Trent Reznor. With thoughts of a better place free of sadness that leave us empty inside. 💔

“Leaving Hope”

By Derek Felix AKA DFlex

Somewhere so far away

Is another world within our reach

Full of promise for a brighter day

As the sun shines down on a beach

Leaving us breathless from its sight

A purple sky paints a picture during sunset

Its unique postcard a beacon of light

Full of promise that we can get

Leaving hope for all behind

Leaving hope to fulfill one of a kind

It can be if we reach out

And want it bad enough

Having peace over doubt

Erasing all the tough stuff

That hurts us everyday

Leaving us empty without emotion

Crying inside for what happened yesterday

When all we need is a peaceful ocean

Leaving hope in a better place

Leaving hope to put a smile back on our face

It isn’t too hard to envision

If you just try

Instead of negative division

All we have to do is fly

Make an escape to a happier life

Where the darkness is finally gone

Making peace with all the strife

Enjoy each day and sing a song